
Sustainable OneWorld Technologies C.I.C.

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An introduction to anaerobic digestion

Anaerobic digestion in faecal sludge management in Cox’s Bazar

Installation of the Flexigester in Namisu, Malawi - a timelapse video

A new fishing rod - how you can be part of the Flexigester programme

Technical papers by SOWTech

TA20 - Durability of Butyl fabrics in the tropics

TA21 - What is Butyl Rubber

TA41 - Review of types of biogas installations worldwide

Resources - Anaerobic digestion

Briefing notes

BN11 - User benefits of anaerobic digestion

BN12 - Eco benefits of anaerobic digestion

BN13 - Outputs from anaerobic digestion


AD project in Tanzania

AD project in Malawi

AD project in Uganda

AD project in Ethiopia

AD project in Sierra Leone